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Problems obtaining a tresurer....ideas

8 years 10 months ago #170131 by Rose H
HI there,
Another thing to think about: You do need to have those key functions being performed, but if you are really in a jam, you do not have to have three people in place to keep going forward. Concentrate on recruiting for the treasurer job and keep your options open. You might find someone who is qualified but a little intimidated by the role. Ask this person if he or she has a friend he or she would like to work with. Then see if there is a way to set up the treasurer's job as a co-treasurers. You may also be able to find someone who will take on some, but not all the secretary's job. These are unconventional options, for sure. But, if you are really stuck, better to try to piece together something so you can still run the PTO while continuing to look for folks to step up to board positions.

Hang in there! And we are here if you have other questions!

8 years 10 months ago #170130 by Craig
Have you talked it over with the principal? Sometimes, when a group is really stuck, the school secretary will help out with that role. She won't necessarily attend meetings, but she can help you keep the books straight.

Editor in Chief
8 years 10 months ago #170128 by Anonymous
Problems obtaining a tresurer....ideas was created by Anonymous
Hi have a HUGE dilemma on my hands. I started on a PTA board last year, and was more or less pushed into the President position. I took on the role and crossed my fingers for the best. The prior president has left me in much of a lurch this year as far as guidance, but what I am stuck on now is a Treasurer. The current treasurer will be leaving as her child is moving on. She will be staying to finish out the taxes, but currently we are stuck regarding the nominating. I am well aware that in order to run your PTA there needs to be a President, Treasurer, and Secretary. My question is considering we have no stepping up to the fulfill the role, what are my options?
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