Our PTO does not currently have any by laws. Our executive board (two relatives and a best friend) presented their version of the bylaws in Oct. The parents and teachers in attendance did not accept these and wanted open discussion to amend a few points. For example, the current board has been in office for 3 years and did not want to hold elections for another 2. Coincidentally, this is the same year that 2 of the board members children leave the school. There have been many attempted discussions about this, but the board refuses. It was agreed on my both the board and everyone in attendance (after 2 months of getting no where) that the Jan. meeting would be set aside to discuss, finalize and vote on the new bylaws. The board did not even hold meetings in Jan. and Feb. and would not discuss changes again tonight. We were even told "that's why we got a lawyer" and "The three of us can vote on everything without any of you" There is frustration, anger, and resentment on all sides right now. My question is this, how can we as parents force a vote? They keep putting it off and at this point I am afraid that they will never be passed and we will be stuck with this board for another 2 years.