If your organization is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, then you should have a federal ID# (usually an EIN, employer ID number). Do you know if you are? Is your group incorporated in your state? What documents did you get from the previous officers?
You need one to qualify for some grants. If you have annual gross income of $5000 or more, then you are supposed to have one, and you're supposed to file an annual report with the IRS. You may be required by state law to be registered with the state in order to do any fundraising in the state.
Our principal says she needs our Federal ID#? I am new to the PTO and I have no idea what she is talking about. What is this and where would I find it? Or do I have to fill out paperwork (with IRS maybe) to get one? Why do we need one? Sorry, a bunch of questions in one!!