Go by what was passed, not what was posted to the website. You can't have someone post something to a website and override what was passed by the membership. Get the right set posted to the website, then at your next meeting you can point out the error and that it was corrected. If you have a newsletter or some other regular communication to your membership, you can mention it there as well. Other than that, I don't think it merits special notice.
[FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Someone questioned the by-laws in regards to theelection process and the list of officers, because the slate of candidates isdifferent from what the bylaws stated. I come to find out that theBy-Laws that were posted to the PTO website were old bylaws and that a new setof Bylaws were passed in 2010. My question is, is the PTO bound to adhereto the set of By-Laws that were posted or does the PTO adhere to the revisedbylaws that were passed in 2010? Is there a proper way that to proceed incommunicating with the parents regarding the issue.