This really comes down to what your bylaws say about who can be an officer. For instance, the
sample bylaws provided by PTOToday
say that any member in good standing is eligible to be an officer, and say that the principal may be a member. Under those bylaws, if the principal is indeed a member in good standing, then he or she can be an officer.
I can understand why you might be a little uncomfortable with it, but I'm having trouble coming up with a circumstance where there'd be a conflict. And comfortable or not, the only thing that really matters is whether your bylaws permit it or not.
Our school administrator who will have 2 kids in our Middle & High school has volunteered to be the VP/Chair of Communications next year. I see there is potential for conflict of interest in her job and in this role. One of the current PTSO board members has already told her we think this is a great idea.
part of her job is to send out the weekly school newsletter, and she is the keeper of the school contact database, among many other roles that have her in contact with parents, some in less positive circumstances.
Am I overly sensitive here, or are there generally accepted guidelines about how a school staff member can participate in PTSO?