I have not proposed it to the Executive Board but was thinking it would be a good way to take care of the "general housekeeping" work of every meeting.
Does anyone use a consent agenda as part of their meeting agenda. It's a quick way to take care of:
[*]Approval of the minutes;
[*]Final approval of proposals or reports that the board has been dealing with for some time and all members are familiar with the implications;
[*]Routine matters such as appointments to committees;
[*]Staff appointments requiring board confirmation;
[*]Reports provided for information only;
[*]Correspondence requiring no action.
The group can deal with everything by the chair saying “If there is no objection, these items will be adopted.” After pausing for any objections, the chair states “As there are no objections, these items are adopted.” It is not necessary to ask for a show of hands.
I would like to start this but am not sure of other groups using this idea.