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Quorum Minimum?

15 years 10 months ago #149283 by mykidsmom
Replied by mykidsmom on topic RE: Quorum Minimum?
Our by-laws are very close to that. Some nights you are lucky to have the 5 well known moms and a couple newbiees. What I have noticed is those that are not comfortable abstaine- or just don't vote. I have to respect that. Now there have been a few meeting that the issue at hand was purposly discussed long enough for the School Board to join us (they are also parents) so they could vote and all 5 parents didn't because they felt it proper for them to vote on an issue they didn't have all the information .

In other organizations I belong too, it's pretty much a majority or at least 2/3rds.
15 years 10 months ago #149266 by CrewChief
Replied by CrewChief on topic RE: Quorum Minimum?
Here's what my bylaws say. For our purposes, "members" means voting members: four officers, all committee chairs and teacher reps. The number needed for a quorum changed each year depending on the number of teacher reps we had and the number of recognized committees.

Our agenda was posted one week in advance. If a major issue was sprung on us in the New Business section, I would allow discussion but table any voting until the next meeting, 30 days later, to give all interested members the opportunity to discuss and vote.

If a committee chairman was unable to attend, they were encouraged to send a member of their committee to the meeting to represent them and vote on their behalf.

[FONT=&quot]The presence of a majority of the members of the PTO Board shall constitute a quorum.[/FONT]

Voting Privileges
[FONT=&quot]All members of the Board, with the exception of the principal, may cast one vote. No vote may be cast by proxy. If the chairman of a committee is not present to cast a vote, one person representing that committee may cast one vote.[/FONT]

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
15 years 10 months ago #149264 by Lisa @ PTO Today
Replied by Lisa @ PTO Today on topic RE: Quorum Minimum?
There is something inherently wrong with a quorum comprised of "whoever shows up".
While disinterested members may not attend meetings,their rights must be protected too.
If you must lower your quorum to "whoever shows up", then why not suggest that your your meeting agendas be posted prior all meetings and not take up business that is not on the agenda?
Not being able to lower your quorum without a quorum is a "Catch 22" scenario.
Good luck.
15 years 10 months ago #149262 by OregonTreasurer
Replied by OregonTreasurer on topic RE: Quorum Minimum?
Our quorum is listed as a majority of the members who are present for a vote, with at least two members of the Executive Board being present. so as long as we have at least three voting members present then we can get a quorum.

15 years 10 months ago #149253 by Lisa @ PTO Today
Quorum Minimum? was created by Lisa @ PTO Today
(This message is pulled from a comment made by Susan on our "Robert's Rules" article.)

Is there a minimum number in a quorum? We have very low attendance at our meetings. We are considering amending the by-law we now have. We are lucky to have our four board members present plus maybe an additional 3-4 members. Our quorum is now at 10 members with 2 officers present. It has made it very difficult to accomplish any business.
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