Thanks for the input! Our by-laws do state that the first VP will perform the duties of the president in the president's absence or inability to serve, but now the vp doesn't want to do it either. We plan on sending out a notice to the members, and I'll be sure to use the suggestion of putting in the "job description" and duties/expectations. Our previous pres. is not being too responsive either. It was suggested to just write a letter that we now have an opening, list the duties and be done, and see if we get any takers, and then the board will vote..short and sweet I guess, ugh? I was just curious to see how much info one might send - I guess just state they resigned and we have the position open now.I was on the board last year, and it ran smoothly - we all worked together and thru our differences - as adults...this year has been trying - too much pettiness and childish behavior when there was a disagreement. Now that some weight has been lifted, hopefully we can gather our senses and pull together to finish out rest of the school year (thru the end of May).
Our by-laws specify that one of the VPs must step up to be the president -- that's what VP means, you fill in when necessary. Other vacancies are filled by special election.
I was in the position of taking over for our President since she was resigning and people wanted her to step down. She left me NO instructions on anything, after we had revised our bylaws she DID not get them to me, and she didn't inform me of any of the jobs required of out PTO and officers. My advice is to be truely upfront and inform your members. I would also type an agenda of what your job duties are, what you expect of others, including officers, how you keep it all together, and what happens from there. Its best to lay it all out. Although I'm not sure if my child will continue at the school they are at now, I always try to make sure they (my officers) know what is going on and will be able to step up if I , or someone else were to have an emergency or need to step down.