If this happenned before how was it resolved? Did you accept it or reject it? I would definetley take into consideration how the organization responded before. It also sounds like you have already addressed this issue in your bylaws. I would recommend consistency and adherence to your bylaws to protect legitamacy and integretity of your organization.
This actually HAS happened before and we even ammended the by laws to read: (not word for word, I do not have them in front of me) "Any donations to the PTO can not go directly to a Teacher or classroom". Set to eliminate any thought of bribery or funneling. Now this parent is asking for a portion of her donation to go the field trip fund to pay for a classroom field trip. Would this fall into our by laws or is it completely different?
I kind of think you're overthinking this Guest. I don't see some nefarious issue here....if you can use the money as the giver would like, accept it. If you feel it is too much a burden for your group to distribute it as she requests, reject it.
an important point missed in this specific situation is that the parent wants the money the she donates throught the United Way given to a specific field trip that is not funded by the PTO. The money would go to a field trip fund and paid out separate than the PTO budget. Does this change your ideas?
I understand the willingness to accomodate someones generosity but the concern is that by allowing individuals to dictate the budget can result in having areas that are not funded and supported.
What happens if you then have all the parents who give a bit more dictate where it goes? It can become a management nightmare and the PTO organizations are not that big.
Yes when you give to a University and allocate it to the Library and not reaserch those huge organizations have it allready divided and separated. I know our PTO is not that big is yours?
In addition the detail of it being promised to a teacher can cause the perception of preferential treatment. The organization needs to remain un biased when it comes to these allocations. If an individual chooses to gift that to a teacher/class then they can do so directly.
Is this the only time you have had anyone make this request?
Also you do need to consider how this will be viewed by the rest of the teaching staff and other parents who may not have the means for the extras. Will they feel like they don't have a voice?
I would hope the charitable foundations such as the PTO is where we have an opportunity to level the financial playing field. That when everyones monies, regardless of the amount, once put together can make a difference for the entire school.
JHB brings up a key point in regards to the Unitedway donation. They can not direct contribution and this could impact orther future donations from Unitedway and any other organizations that may have the same philoshophy.