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Form1023 Part IV HELP!

16 years 11 months ago #141326 by JHB
Replied by JHB on topic RE: Form1023 Part IV HELP!
Here's a generic version of the narrative we used:

Part IV Narrative of Activities

The purpose of the {school} Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is to support the school and its students by coordinating volunteers, enhancing the quality of education provided, and to supplement existing programs and services. The key activities of the organization are to:

1. Coordinate volunteer participation to support school programs. This includes matching volunteers to school needs such as: mentoring students, relieving teachers during one-on-one testing, staffing activities such as "Track and Field" and the school Book Fairs, and chaperoning field trips. This is an on-going activity by all members of the PTO, but specifically directed by the Volunteer Committee. It is the most important activity and accounts for 30% of the organization’s effort.

2. Host extra-curricular activities that support family involvement. These will include activities such as "Breakfast with Santa", reading seminars, Family Skate Night, Parents' Night out. They may be held sporadically throughout the year and shall be coordinated by an Ad Hoc committee or by the Executive Board. This category accounts for approximately 25% of our effort. Activities are funded with donations, admission charges, and moneys raised from fundraisers.

3. Support school activities and increase school spirit. Will include the selection and sale of a school T-shirt, publishing a school directory, coordinating teacher appreciation events, promoting PTO membership, supporting/rewarding student activities. This activity will occur constantly throughout the year. Everyone on the PTO Executive Board is involved to some degree. It accounts for approximately 20% of our efforts.

4. Raise funds for supplemental services, equipment, and supplies. Depending on the goals for the year, the PTO may plan up to two major fund-raisers per year. One is usually a sales activity of items such as wrapping paper, candy, gift items, cookie dough, etc. The other is some sort of family event, like a school carnival. The funds will be used to purchase school computers and software, pay for educational enrichment programs, cover the cost of events such as "Track and Field", assist with teacher supplies and training, and provide equipment for music and P.E. classes. The fall fundraiser will last for about 3-4 weeks, with the primary PTO effort involved in kicking off the program, reconciling the funds, and distributing the product. This is handled by the Fundraising Committee. The spring fundraiser will typically be an event held in April, which will require more planning and many more volunteers. There are also some less interactive fundraising activities, such as the collection and redemption of General Mills BoxTops. Fundraising is expected to occupy approximately 20% of the PTO's time.

5. Support the school administration. PTO officers participate in plans for the Campus Management Plan, safety programs, testing schedules, and technology initiatives. While the PTO does not set policy, it supports these efforts and provides feedback and assistance as requested. These activities occur sporadically throughout the year, generally involving the President and/or key officers. This is expected to occupy 5% of the PTO effort. No funds are required.

All activities are conducted during the school year in {city}, {state}.
16 years 11 months ago #141302 by Critter
Replied by Critter on topic RE: Form1023 Part IV HELP!
We did our 1023 several years ago, and the questions have changed a bit since then, but I agree with Pals. Do your best estimate of a % breakdown. No one is going to test your answer. Just try to show the 5-6 major activities or classes of activity.
16 years 11 months ago #141299 by pals
Replied by pals on topic RE: Form1023 Part IV HELP!
amy this is a estimated thing. Like with my group when we did the paperwork our breakdown was :
50% Hosting extracurricular activities that promote family and parent involvement (fun nights, etc)
20% coordinate volunteer participation to support school programs
15% Support school activities financially
10% supporting community service projects
5% supporting school staff

Then you would make an attachment listing the exact ways that your group does or plan on doing these things. As you can see our group is oriented more towards the family piece, some schools are based more the financially support way, arts in education, etc.

It is an estimate on what you do!

"When you stop learning you stop growing."
16 years 11 months ago #141298 by Kayla
Replied by Kayla on topic RE: Form1023 Part IV HELP!
I found that the website "" might help in filling out some of the sections of the form. I am using the wonderful help from this site, calls to the IRS and as much other reliable reading as I can get my hands on to help me wade through the process. I hope this might help.
16 years 11 months ago #141284 by Mom2Punkin
Can someone give me an example of how to complete part IV the narrative description of our activities?

Does each activity we do have to be listed? In the ToolKit, it says "what % of groups time is allocated - how do you judge that?

Any help???

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