We changed our name last year and although I didn't do the paperwork, I think it wasn't a lot. We're still ABC PTO, Inc., but "doing business as" XYZ PTO, Inc. And a copy of the paperwork went to the IRS, I believe. You certainly shouldn't have to go thru the entire incorporation process again!
I'm not sure that you need to re-incorporate. I suspect that may have been specific to the fact that you were leaving the PTA. Depending on your state, a simple name change could just mean filing official name change paperwork. I'd check with your Secretary of State's office.
You would need to re-incorporate with your state under the new name, as well as update the name on your employer ID number, change with your bank, letterhead, etc.
We had changed from a PTA to a PTO several years ago. It was a lot of paperwork and running to the bank, but really not much of a hassle. Good luck!
We want to change our name from H.S.A to something else. What is involved in changing our name once we agree on one? We are taking a school poll this week on what the new name should be.