Whether or not something made a profit, broke even, or ran at a loss doesn't really matter. You are simply reporting what came in/what went out.
If the amount was an admission fee that everyone paid, then "yes", I'd put the income on line 9 and expenses on line 23.
It might seem odd that most of your common expenses will likely fall under "other", but if you examine the expense line items - it seems the IRS has pulled out the areas that might signal abuse. If a so-called charitable organization has disproportionate salaries, overhead expenses associated with fundraising, or disbursements to individuals, that might indicate something out of whack. Remember - the purpose of this form isn't really for you to report income per se but to provide income information towards determining eligibility. So the income/expenses are "sliced and diced" a bit differently than you'd normally see.
When you think about the angle, it might make more sense.
Let's add a bit more background so this question might help those that follow. Here's the list of Revenue/Expense lines from the statement:
Revenue 1. Gifts, grants, and contributions received (do not include unusual grants) 2. Membership fees received 3. Gross investment income 4. Net unrelated business income 5. Taxes levied for your benefit 6. Value of services or facilities furnished by a governmental unit without charge... 7.Any revenue not otherwise listed above or in lines 9–12 below (attach list) 8. Total of lines 1 through 7 9. Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or furnishing of facilities in any activity that is related to your exempt purposes (attach itemized list) 10. Total of lines 8 and 9 11. Net gain or loss on sale of capital assets (attach schedule and see instructions) 12. Unusual grants 13. Total Revenue (Add lines 10 through 12)
Expenses 14. Fundraising expenses 15. Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts paid out(attach an itemized list) 16. Disbursements to or for the benefit of members (attach list) 17. Compensation of officers, directors, and trustees 18. Other salaries and wages 19. Interest expense 20. Occupancy (rent, utilities, etc.) 21. Depreciation and depletion 22. Professional fees 23. Any expense not otherwise classified, such as program services (attach list) 24. Total Expenses (Add lines 14 through 23)
Say we hold an event like a dance (parent/child event). Tickets are sold (say for $10 per couple). The money collected doesn't cover the cost of the event, but goes to offset it (ie it actually costs $15/couple to hold the event). Do I need to list the money collected on Line 9 (gross receipts)? Do I think put the expenses in Line 23?
Would the same hold for money collected for yearbooks (again, the cost of the book to students doesn't cover the cost of the yearbooks)?