Why have money sitting in the bank "just in case". Once you begin to fund for items that the school board can't get passed in their budget, you set a precident. There is another thread speaking about how they have been paying for teacher salaries and the price is getting too high. However, they don't know how to get out of it. If your PTO is set up to support the school, compliment their curriculum with added programs, then leave it at that. To have 1/2 of your yearly budget carried over is fine (in my opinion) but to not do anything with your money seems a waste. Fund some added equipment for the school, playground, reading garden, etc. that will enhance their school year. Just because your current board wants to keep the money there as backup for a failed budget vote, future boards may not think the same way and spend the money frivolously. So, use it wisely while you have a say.
Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
Our PTO currently has a sizeable bank reserve which was originally put into place with the thought if a school budget failed to pass and something was to be cut from cirriculum the PTO could give the money to that. We now as a new board are wondering what is a acceptable bank reserve to carry as a not for profit org. We thought maybe 1 years budget but wanted to know if there was any set rule to follow?