Well, the school is 4 years old. The PTO was started by the principal shortly after the school opened, elected officers, formed by-laws, opened a bank account, got it's own EIC number, etc. About a year ago the school board of our charter school finally created their own policy manual. Well, they created policy to take over the PTO. It states that they have to approve our by-laws, approve all activities on school property, etc. Well, they are also trying to say that it says we can not exist with our own bank account. Well, that's their interpretation. The only thing it has in their about bank accounts is that scholarships have to be put into a trust account and outside solicitation funds can not be put into any school account. Our problem is that they don't see it that way. They want us to be an auxillary to them and we want to be independant from them. So, they stated if we continue to refuse to change our oganization to comply with their (interpretation) of the board policy (that they created 4 years after we started) that they'd issue a cease and dissist? order and that there would be sanctions (what ever that means) They had mentioned something about being considered an outside "special interest group or charity" (such as the red cross, Kaboom, etc) but also stated that our name ex. School PTO insinuated that we are not a seperate group but in fact trying to say that we are an approved support group representing the school. We want to stay a seperate group - otherwise nothing will ever get accomplished (they want us to present EVERY IDEA AND EXPENDITURE to our principal who will request a check from an account that's not even located in our town, then that check goes before the school board at the monthly meeting, then they discuss it, then if they approve it THEY sign it and we can actual do it. This might work fine for large things that we may receive an invoice on but most of everything that we do are small expenditures at several local businesses. For instance, we voted to help our new spanish teacher get set up ( new to the school, new classroom, etc) Well, while we were out shopping for library checkout cards we found Spanish Posters at the Teacher store- so we bought them. They were only $8 and I just can not see waiting 1 -2 months to get permission to spend the money that we have raised on things that we have as a group voted to do for our school. All that we have done before is ask the principal if it's okay. Or a teacher may ask for help with costumes for the play at the last minute (1-2 days before!)- we just get ahold of our voting members, ask if it's okay and spend our money and make them for her. The school does not have the money and the teachers don't always have the time. Our parent volunteers don't have a lot of time either. I admit that things in our group tend to get done more "in the moment" We tend to decide what we want to do that month, vote, shop, advertise and execute. We probably only spend a couple hundred dollars in any given month on activities. We have larger projects that we are researching on but until we have all of our facts they haven't come to a vote. We only make $5000 - $10000 in any given year. We were in the process of filing to be incorporated in our state and filling for 501c3 but are now waiting to see if we need to change our name or ammend our bylaws first.
Sorry to ramble on so. I know somewhere on here I had seen that there were some groups that operate seperate from the school "friends of XXX School" and do their fundraising OFF school property and use their own by laws, bank account, etc and just donate what they would like to the school. I am wanting to get ahold of a least a couple of those groups to see how they are set up. From what I'm getting from our board is that if we don't want them to handle our money that we shouldn't be called a PTO because they state that would mean we are representing them as an approved support organization. We REALLY did not want to change our name but I guess we'll have to.:confused: