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Meeting without a teacher rep or treasurer?

17 years 10 months ago #130763 by peace
Our principal has been contacted to help with the problems. I think he just wants it to be disolved. If disolved he gets all the money.

He will not meet with us.
17 years 10 months ago #130762 by onarollpto
First, check into what your by-laws say about meeting notices and secondly, what does your principal say about this? You said they met with him/her, do they realize the conflicts that are happening. I know our principal was wonderful and stepping in to help "mediate" a couple problems we had with some people.

If you are on the board and you think your principal would be a good resource, ask to have a meeting - at everyone's convenience - with him (or her). If you're not on the board, maybe a few of you parents could ask to speak with him/her to let him know the perception of what is going on.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it" - Ferris Bueller
17 years 10 months ago #130756 by peace
Recently, our board voted to have an officer removed due to conflict of interest and missing meetings. After the letter was served we received notification from her and the school adminstration that no PTO meeting could be held on the school property for the remainer of the year. We were suppose to meet this Thursday for nominations for elections next month.
17 years 10 months ago #130354 by WFS
It sounds like you have a conflict of interest going on. Our bylaws clearly state that PTO members, parents & teachers will not receive compensation for their time spent with PTO related events, activities, etc. Therefore, none of our parents can receive money from the PTO. We also do not reimburse any parent for out of pocket expenses without having the prior approval to make such a purchase and having a receipt from the vendor or business. Any expenses related to a budget item should be reported by the chairperson. So to have a person that is not the President or Treasurer in charge of decision-making of the PTO's money & then deciding to pay herself is a huge conflict of interests. I've never heard of such a position within a PTO and only know of the President, VP or Treasurer being able to make such decisions or it be done by vote to the general board.
Search thoroughly through your bylaws for anything that can pertain to this. Also, if meetings are to be announced in advanced and must have certain people present, then the meeting cannot be changed.
In reading your dilemma, I saw many red flags going up :eek: Don't wait too long, you may need to look into other decisions or changes made by this chairperson.

Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
17 years 10 months ago #130318 by justavolunteer
Kelco ~ what is your position in the PTO? Are you on the board? Do you have a copy of the bylaws? Were you at the meeting mentioned? Were any of the PTO officers, other than the spending committee chair at the meeting?

If you have the bylaws, check and see what they say in regards to meetings... is there a designated time? Is there a designated place? Is there a designated "giving members proper notice of upcoming meetings"... our bylaws, specifically state that "At least two days notice shall be given to the membeship prior to a meeting and approval of the Principal is necessary so that proper arrangements for the meeting can be made".

Also check the bylaws in regards to the requirement of the Treasurer being at all meetings.... Is your Treasurer also a teacher?

Is it simply just more convenient for the spending committee chair person to meet during school hours? Maybe this person does not actually realize the conflict the time causes. Have you had the opportunity to discuss the conflict with her and the principal? Hopefully once this person realizes it is a conflict (since the Teacher rep and Treasurer cannot attend during the school hours), the issue will be resolved in everyone's best interest.

Hang in there!:)
17 years 10 months ago #130308 by KelCo35
Our PTO spending committe chair changed the meeting time, and changed it so it was during school hours. Also she neglected to call the treasurer or the teacher representative for the time change-- it was originally after school. didn't invite the treasurer or the teacher respresentative. She did however, remember to call two mom's who belong to the PTO, but do not chair any thing, just come to meetings once in a while. She had days to reach the treasurer and teacher rep. A meeting was held with the principal, and the mother's, on who used to be president and had and agenda. She wants a field trip to be set up where she works and wants PTO to cover expenses. The meeting was rescheduled. And it's still during school. This leaves the teacher representative unable to attend. She is very upset. And so is everyone standing back watching this go on. My main question is- how is a teacher supposed to be able to attend a meeting when she is representing our teachers for what they want/need while she is teaching? How is a meeting supposed to be held without the treasurer? She's got the books, the amount of what can be spent, if anything. If anyone has imput I would really appreciate it. It's all new to me, I'm learning. :confused:
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