I am about to begin my third year as PTO president and just signed up for PTO Manager. We have By-Laws and have been using the school's tax-exempt id since before I came on the scene. I'm wondering if this is ok or if we need to get our own ID and do we have any other responsibilities with the IRS.
The PTO start-up toolkit is sooooooooooo helpful. I was ready to throw the 501c3 IRS paperwork in a box and bury it in the backyard becuase I was so frustrated and worried I was doing it wrong. Then I ordered the Start-Up kit and applying was a breeze. It answers every single question and holds your hand through the whole process. We got our 501c3 letter within a couple of months of applying. Good luck to you! We're all here if you need help
Congratulations...I know how great that feels to get that piece of paper! A little hard work, alot of worrying but when you get it it is just like having a party!
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
We just received our Determination Letter from the IRS today and it was approved without any additional phone calls or information needed! We are so thrilled that our hard work paid off and want to say we owe our successful application to the PTOToday Start-Up Guide.
The Start-Up Guide gives step-by-step instructions for every question asked on form 1023 as well as details regarding attachments needed. We felt confident that our application was quite thorough thanks to the Guide - and it apparently was! The message boards answered any additional questions we had during the process.
Spend the $40 to purchase the Start-Up Guide if you are applying for non-profit (501(c)3) status - it's money well spent!
Thank you Thank you PTOToday! I'm so excited that I'm able to post this positive outcome!!!!!