Make an appointment with the finance person at your board of education. If you are turning money over for a purchase, then you don't necessarily have to set up a whole new Tax ID. However, if it will take you quite a while, then they may advise you to. Using their TAX ID may affect their budget since they apply for state grants based upon their income & spending. Having your money and using their TAX ID would require some tracking so it doesn't interfere with their reporting.
You would also need to know if your PTO would be needing a Tax ID for long range goals or involvement with your school. Funding for additional school programs, trips, special events, etc.
Also, if you are working under their TAX ID, you may fall under the PTA, not PTO classification. There is a difference. PTO works as a partner with the board of education, but PTA is an association and connected more.
We are a very small PTO working with our local public preschool. Does anyone know if we need our own tax id number or can we just use the schools for donations? We are trying to raise $40,000 for a new playground and we are not too sure about the tax side of it. Any suggestions?:confused:
Thank you!