We are printing our own cards. We took a picture of our mascot and have it as the background. We then have our PTO name listed at the top. We have a place for their name and a place for them to sign on the back. You can get a box of self print business cards from Wal-mart or office supply store. Usually 500 count.
Also on the back we have solicited some of our local businesses for discounts if someone shows their PTO Membership card. These are listed on the back of the card.
Little extra work, but well worth it and the parents love it.
You get 250 cards free, you only have to pay for shipping, which is about $6. We don't typically have membership cards but we want our members to feel like they have something concrete for their $5 dues.
I am assuming you mean PTO membership cards? We do not have anything like that. Our secretary just has a list of all the people that are members. We only need the list at election time as only paid members ($5 per family) can vote.
I am new to this and trying to get my ducks in a row prior to the new school year, can you please tell me how do we get the membership cards? Do we order them from a certain company - are they provided by the schools usually? Anyhelp would greatly be appreciated....