We have pea pebble but, here's an idea -- our State sponsors grants to purchase rubber matting made from recycled tires. The grant is 75% of the purchase price. It takes a $10/sq foot product down to $2.50/sq !!
We have pea stones. At the park down by the beach is all sand. Either way the kids have it in their shoes. I don't know what else to use. I agree with no tires & wood chips. Good luck.
Believe it or not, we have pebble rock. Yes, it's a nightmare and the PTO wants to change it. Begain discussion very casual--
* recycle tire wasn't used because it can become moldy--lots of allergy issues
* a foamy surface too expensive
* wood chips....no
somehow pebble rock became the surface of choice and towards the end the playground equipment cost a little more than budgeted. I should tell you ALL this was done by hte school as part of our new building but now the PTO would like to make some improvements/changes.
SO the million dollar questoin...what's on your playground surface???