As a fundraiser, one of our local churches has booked a production of 'Late Nite Catechism' at our local auditorium -
(Late night Catechism is a parody of surviving catholic school - with a sergeant-like Nun - not for kids - but truly hilarious.)
They're charging $20 a seat and $25 at the door.
It may cost some "up front money" and some schmoozing at the auditorium - but if your community is in-tune to the arts, you may have a winner, with little effort.
How about a mother/daughter tea party with music and a fashion show?
Later do a father/daughter dance. That has music!
Or a Parent/Child event,,, with music of course...
Just going ahead with the South Pacific! I like that idea!! Bring that up at the next meeting- report back here with the outcome,, stir them up a bit!!! LOL!!
Boy, that would be super ambitious to do a musical, especially if you're talking elementary students!
Check out the boards here, there are hundreds of postings about fundraisers that are unusual and creative. The usual and boring are covered also, so hopefully you'll find something that appeals to you.
in the fall, one of our members suggested doing a musical as a fundraiser..... wonderful idea, alot of work for me..... so i'm thinking... we use to have groups come in from branson to do a concert, but i'm having no luck finding anyone online that still does it. i'm not even sure we could afford it, but it would be easier than me producing "south pacific"! if you have any ideas let me know, i'm not afraid to try anything, just need a good fundraiser