When I was helping to start my son's pre-K PTO a few years ago I went to the elementary across the county to get support (children from both districts go to our pre-k) and their 4th grade had a KY History display set up, they also sang "My Old Kentucky Home" it was very cute. Their grades took turn each month doing something like this. But I was very disappointed because most of the parents had come to see the children and their work and talked, loudly, throughout the meeting.
As PTO pres. I encouraged our teachers to do skits for after our meetings. One teacher did this and we had a packed house. It was great. I thought they may want to do a presentation on a unit they were working on. But if you plan to have all your grades represented each meeting in just 30 minutes you could develop a monthly theme, students could do art and essays for that theme and someone could present it.
I am the President of the PTA in a school of 509 children ranging from Pre-K through 9th grade. we have recently changed our meeting to 30 minutes business and 30 minutes educational program in ordre to try to attract more parents to attend. Does anybody have any ideas for Program ideas? It is hard becasue of the wide range of ages and wanting to include parents of all of the grades at the school.