One of the teachers at our school does an audit on the books every year to make sure everything is on the up and up. It doesnt cost us a dime and enables us to keep the fundraiser monies where it should be to help in the school. You can still find someone who would be willing do check up on things without paying an arm and a leg for the process.
Thanks! I visit this web site for so much info, but I can't seem to get anyone else on our executive board or PTO to use it. I am the treasurer, so at least I get alot of help, and ideas that I can present at our meetings. As much as I would love to join NPN, I am sure I would meet stiff opposition to the idea.
I'll second JHB. Consider joining NPN for its additional resources, read the magazine, and turn all your officers and committee chairs on to this website. The participants on the forum have tons of useful information and experience to share. And anyway, is there even such thing as a professional PTO advisor?
I agree wiht JHB on this one too but just incase that doesn't seem like the answer, our goup has been lucky enough to have the school's legal "eagle" there for us at no charge. Our books have even been looked at and audited by the school's accountant and we (I) bought her lunch.
Other than that I have seen more advice and great info on this site than I could have ever imagined.
Unless you are raking in huge bucks and in some special situation where you need to justify things with a specialized management audit, I cannot imagine investing time or money in this idea.
It's great that your group wants to be assured best practices are being followed. But you can easily do that here for free and gets lots of advice, feedback. If you want to join NPN, you could use their publications/resources as checklists.
I'm sure others will chime in, but I suspect you will be able to return to your group with the report that you've checked into it, but the idea does not seem viable or necessary.
On the other hand, implementing some internal checklists and helpful documentation for your group would be an excellent idea.