Sorry, I think they just serve the Dallas area. Why dont you contact them for a referral. If not, check your local universities or outreach programs for a speaker. You could also buy a video and play it during school or after. Go to
and look thru their materials. Or go to your browser/search and do parenting *city*. Or use: outreach *city*.
Funny you should ask...I have their flyer in my PTA binder. Peer Abuse Learning Services. Go to They cost about $150 for an evening. P.A.L.S. is out of Dallas, so I dont know if they travel. Give them a shot.
Dose anyone have ideas about stopping Bullies? I am looking for a good assembly that will focus on bullies & how to handle them. It is so important in todays world, we hear more and more about kids being bullied so much that they finally break and turn to shootings & other violence!! We are a K-5 school, and our new principal has just decided on no tolerence for hitting, name calling etc.. Would love to hear if there is a movie or speaker that focuses on this! [img]tongue.gif[/img]