We are a schjool of 900 children from grades K-4--we budget 60% of our budget to educational programs. 8% goes for training, workshops, conventions etc, 3% goes for filed days ice cream, 2 lunches from the students for the teachers: Then we have those Administration costs (copies, postage, ink cartridges etc which i forgot the amt but it was under 5%: 1.4% of our budget goes to pay membership dues to NYS/and National and pays our Liabilty insurance.
I think it all depends on what the school itself also provides. Our PTO pretty much completely funds our schools' "educational arts council." They do get some grant money, but we give them $24,000 a year. We have 2 schools, over 2300 students, so about 20 classes per grade. The arts council books three performances per grade per year. Some of these are science programs, some literacy programs, etc.
We also fund another sub-group of parents in a parent involvement project. They do amazing things- Math/science nights at the supermarket, programs at the library, math nights at the school, all aimed at getting more parents involved in their kids education. They predominantly focus on math and science. We give them several thousand dollars too ( I can't remember how much- between $6000 and $10000). Their programs are completely volunteer driven, and events are outside school hours. The arts council provides paid programs during school hours.