Maybe I can help. I scheduled a wonderful group called The Kids on the Block puppet programs. They were extremely professional and were so organized I didn't have to do a thing except sign my name to the contract.And the show was great. I scheduled 4 performances and plan to have them back every year for our second graders. It was a pleasure working with them.
I was the chair of our arts committee last year and we did a lot. Mainly we found the 4 performers that we brought in during the year, 1 for whole school and 1 each for 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6. But it's a big job. Finding them is a job and then getting dates and negotiating price and doing contracts and being there on day of events to make sure all goes smoothly.
Just got appointed chair of our enrichment committee thanks to soemone moving out of town at last minute. Help. This committe hasn't done much in the past. Do other schools have this committee? What do you do?