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Organized Recess

11 years 7 months ago #164224 by Beth K.
Replied by Beth K. on topic Re:Organized Recess
Hi Lisa,

Recess with so many kids can get pretty chaotic -- especially when some students struggle with conflict resolution and good sporting behavior. I recommend providing professional development to your playground supervisors. This way those monitoring recess can help create a safe and fun place for all kids to play!

With a little guidance, adults can help kids learn conflict resolution, introduce more fun games for kid to play, and prevent exclusionary behavior. Check out www . playworks . org / training for one nonprofit that provides professional development to schools.
11 years 7 months ago #164153 by Beth
Replied by Beth on topic Re:Organized Recess
I agree with Michele. Kids don't need more organization and planned activities at
recess. My kids old school tried that and my kids hated as did most of their friends. My kids said they just wanted to play and talk with their friends and do what they wanted to do not have class outside on the play ground. Your money will be better spend hiring more playground monitors and let the kids run around and be free.
11 years 8 months ago #163932 by Michele
Replied by Michele on topic Re:Organized Recess
I've never heard of any companies that come in and do this but I would consider putting money toward hiring additional recess aids to allow for better coverage. I think making recess organized would make it seem more like another class vs the down time that so many kids need. Some kids may love organized games but others may want to just have a quiet activity or down time. It's great your PTO is seeing the issues on the playground and working toward helping the school find a solution. Good luck with your new school year!
11 years 8 months ago #163895 by Lisa Griffith
Organized Recess was created by Lisa Griffith
We have a large elementary school with over 1000 kids. Each grade has its own 30 minute recess time. We have found that the majority of our bullying and discipline issues take place at recess because of the limited supervision provided by our recess aides.

We are considering exploring having the PTA sponsor a company to come in and oversee recess with organized activities.

Has anyone had a company or organization come in and oversee your recess? We'd love to suggestions or recommendations as to where to start.

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