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Enrichment Programs-Cost to a PTO

17 years 4 months ago #139041 by PresidentJim
At my children's school after school programs of this nature are coordinated by the School Council, which, per the cities' rules, consists of an even amount of staff as parents (we have 4 parents, 4 staff and the Principal).

Since most teachers are in a union, union rules apply. Often these rules include the requirement to use union teachers for programs of this nature, how the teachers have to apply to do it, etc. I would imagine, as is the case with many things, that the PTO can get around this as we are independant from the town. But at the same time paying a teacher to run one of these programs is, as you put it, "sticky".

My best recommendation is to use a volunteer, such as a parent or a student from a local school. If it has to be a teacher, then use the Principal as your liason. Maybe have the School Council setup the program with financial support from the PTO.

Good luck,
17 years 4 months ago #139038 by wanda1213
Replied by wanda1213 on topic RE: Enrichment Programs-Cost to a PTO
This is the 2nd year we have offered our after school activities. We charge $65 for a 6 week session and we pay our instructors whether they are a teacher or a parent $30 a session. That means they get paid $180. Our sessions run for 1 hour. We have found this to be very successful. We send out a flier in advance to see if anyone, parent or teacher is interested in teaching a class and then we go from there. We alos did online registration this year with count me in. It was very successful. Hope this helps
17 years 4 months ago #138444 by OneandOnly
Our PTO's specifically have it written in the bylaws that we are not to pay anyone for volunteering their time. Whether its a parent or teacher, we cannot pay them.

Why aren't the teachers doing this on a volunteer basis? If your after school clubs/activities are related to school curriculum, social behaviors, self development, etc., I would think that it would be school run; not PTO run. Our PTO ran an enrichment program after school (only 5 weeks) but it was all fun stuff and it was staffed by parents. Our teachers voluntarily run the sign language club, study group, safety patrol, etc.

Doing it for my one and only ~~ my son!
17 years 4 months ago #138359 by WASjam
Hi! I'm wondering if any of you have information on cost to your PTO for running (paying teachers and other instructors) for After School Clubs/Programs. We are starting a program and are not sure how to go about that part of it. Also, if you pay teachers, what do you do when parents want to be involved and run a class? Are they volunteers? I'm detecting some stickiness and hoping that someone out there can head us off at the pass!
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