Can a PTO petition the school or district to make changes?
There is not PTO nor PTA for your high school, only a group that meets with the principal 4x/yr. There...
Asked by tamiep in Events, Programs, & Activities
If waiting for new parent involvement
If you decide to file annual paperwork to avoid dissolving your PTO, but do not have board members elected...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
How far back do we have to go?
We have a group of K parents making all sorts of individual requests for financials and minutes...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules
PTO uniforms
We have a very small PTO group. Our officers that often are the only attendees of our meetings and functions....
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
PTO Elections or appointments?
Our PTO does not have bylaws, a question recently came up about elections. In the past we have always...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Needing a better understanding
Pto President first year but the ladies on the board always say we are raising money for the school....
Asked by Meeshieluv in Fundraising
Do we need to file for 501(c)3 status independently from the District?
Currently our PTO doesn't have our own EIN/W9( or 501(c)3 status. I've been told that we can use the...
Asked by goldiloxs67 in Nonprofit Status & Organization
PTO treasurer
We are revising our bylaws because we have an issue of no one wanting to run for secretary and our current...
Asked by ewell1025 in Officers & Board
School nurse
Is there any information to help me, the school nurse, get grants and donations for health and...
Asked by SchoolRN in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Bullying of new members
Hi there, I started on my daughter’s middle school choir booster club last fall and I am the Vice President...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization