How do we become incorporated?
I just recently took over the position of treasurer. As far as we know our PTO was never assigned an...
Asked by MrsWilson359 in Nonprofit Status & Organization
Can the PTO nominations and elections be held on our first meeting?
Asked by nbenavides51 in Bylaws
fundraising for high priofit
what fundraising is the best to do our principal want us to do one that bring in for then 40% profit.
Asked by a.morecraft in Fundraising
does the principal need to have a coppy of our ein#?
Asked by a.morecraft in The Principal
What are the steps for an executive board officer to resign
Asked by piaparents in Officers & Board
funds request form
In the past our procedure for teachers making requests for PTO fund support has been very casual. Typically...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
PTO Treasurer
I would like someones opinion of a PTO that has a treasurer who only has a checkbook without balances...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Problems with some officers.
This is my first year being our PTO president, and I am finding out that I am starting to have problems...
Asked by Anonymous in Leadership
How can a unfair bylaws clause be overturned?
I would like to know what steps, if any, parents can take to have a bylaws vote overturned. Is it okay...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
scholarship fund
How do you go about setting up a PTO scholarship fund and how do you promote it? Are there any forms...
Asked by Calvertcountysecretary in Communications