Splitting Money With School
We are a first year PTO at our middle school; our principal came to us at our end of year meeting and...
Asked by bbisptotreasurer@gmail.com in Finance & Budget
can a principle get rid of a pto group just because she doesnt want one she does not want any parent...
Asked by flora21 in Bylaws
Tax returns
Hi, our PTO has its own bank account with its own EIN. We do not have 501c3 tax exempt status and we...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
PTO to Booster?
Our school wants to go from PTO to a Booster type, saying too much fraud with PTO'S in general.
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
Failure to do duties
If the President and Vice President both refuse to sign a check needed for an event causing the person...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
My sister resigned as treasurer over a year ago. Recently she told me about when a PTA mom asked her...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Recording PTO General Meetings
Is it legal to record general meetings with a recording device and then later go back and write the recorded...
Asked by Anonymous in Meetings & Robert's Rules
PTO Funds
The principal is wanting to redecorate the front offices and is asking the PTO to pay for it. She is...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
President Emeritus Job Description
I am currently the PTO President at our elementary school. Since our entire board will be new next year...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
PTO support for extracurricular club
Can the PTO accept and dispurse donations 'earmarked' for a specific club/group or does the appropriation...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget