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Q&A: Officers & Board
Website with email
We are looking at changing web hosts but wanted to get some feedback from other PTA Units. Can you give...
Asked by jennyjo4273 in Officers & Board
taking away memnership of officer
We have asked out PTO Pres serving only 1 yr of her 2 year to step down. She refuses! She has been a...
Asked by lisagaga in Officers & Board
Running PTO alone and want to resign
I have been president of our PTO for the past 4 years - and a full volunteer the year before that. The...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Conducting a meeting
The people interested in running for the PTO President want the job, but don't want to get in front of...
Asked by bdavisVidorE in Officers & Board
Impeaching president
Our PTA President is out of control. I am the treasurer. She sends me nasty texts, I have to ask her...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Ethics issue at the County and State level
What avenue does our PTSA take in order to investigate a board members improprieties? We went to our...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Entire board wants to resign
What is the proper procedure for the entire PTO executive board to resign at one time?
Asked by FreedomFalcon in Officers & Board
Executive Board accused of breach of fiduciary duties
Please help. Our board was recently accused of being in breach of our fiduciary duties and an article...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
HSA "hijacked" from parents?
For the past few years, two programs have operated out of our school. The first, the HSA, solicits funds...
Asked by Weeble Dad in Officers & Board
Unprofessional PTO President
What do when the PTO President has no clue what she is doing and has a budget that we cannot meet because...
Asked by itiswhatitis13 in Officers & Board