Question: Secretary Stepping Down

We are a new board this year and I was just notified that my secretary will be resigning at the meeting in January. We have another parent that I have contacted and she is interested in the position. Is there a formal way for her to step down? And do we as a group vote in the new Secretary or can we,the board, just bring her in? Thanks!!!

Asked by hunter2006



Advice from PTO Today

Rose H writes:
Hi hunter2006,
You are in a good position for a smooth transition. Technically, you should put it to a vote in the event any other parents are also interesting in stepping in. You can announce in your newsletter and agenda for your next meeting that the secretary will be resigning and you will be holding a vote at the following meeting. Then do the vote at that next meeting. You may have just the one candidate, and that's ok!


Community Advice

cmtj writes:
You can look at your schools bylaws and see if there is anything that anyone who wants to step down has to do and what the board should do. If not, then you can suggest to the meeting and see if others are interested and then vote on it. If not, then the board can vote to bring her in.

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