Question: unauthorized fundraising
We have a pto board member who is selling items from a previous fundraiser and or left over items at either garage sales or the back of there car. We cannot track any of the money that is being paid to the officer and clearly they are benefitting from these actions. How should we proceed with disciplinary action?
Asked by Anonymous
Community Advice
gjcoram writes:How did this person get those items? Did that person end up buying the extras and is now reselling them? Or were they left in a closet and this person just helped him/herself? We've moved away from sales fundraisers, but we didn't used to have much left over.
Community Advice
HBotParent writes:If this person is a current Officer, you should talk to them and *let them know they have been observed selling items that you know are leftovers etc... and you have questions about how they came by these items.
*If your Treasurer has records from the Original Fundraiser you should have an inventory of what/how many items were originally purchased. The amount of money that you should have received for the entire amount of merchandise, and the final amount that you actually made overall. That should prove if any items were not sold after the end of the sale. If there were leftovers, you only need to ask by whose authority they were selling those items and where is the money. Come up with an obscene amount due the PTO and threaten with Police intervention, or Small Claims Court. If they can prove another amount of money - ask for that, and any items in their possession and their resignation and their word that they will not be involved with the PTO in any official capacity. Since they can not be trusted don't let them anywhere near money or products, until their child/children have left the school.
Theft is something that can not be tolerated.
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