Question: Do Parents Have a "Right" to Form a Parent Group?

Our high school is relatively young and has never had a very active parent group. In the past, it was loosely organized and run (no bylaws), with a handful of members and little was done. The principal expressly did not want a PTA group. The new principal is more welcoming, but prior to his arrival we were told to form as a "booster club" and to operate under those rules. The idea seemed to be parents would form booster clubs to support various departments of the school. However, a group of us reorganized the parent group as a nonprofit and have many more members than before and want to be recognized as a true parent group, not just a booster. Do we have a right to this, or is it at the whim of the school? The admin doesn't have much experience with this, given the prior principal's views, and relies on what other schools do, some of which are PTAs. We are not. If we were a PTA, would they have to accommodate us (meeting space, etc)? I can't find anything specific in the Education Code about this, although parent involvement is encouraged.

Asked by Anonymous



Community Advice

gjcoram writes:
There is probably not any specific requirement that they "accomodate" you; you would probably initially have to apply for (and pay for) space just like any other community group. You need to put together a list of talking points as to why you think a PTA (or PTO) would be better than a booster club and what other benefits the principal might see. Then you need to have a talk with him about what his reservations are.

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