Question: tickets for box tops

Our school is approx 80% at risk so I had an idea and I was wondering if anyone has tried it. We are planning on having a spring carnival so I was thinking in order to increase our boxtops, to provide 1 spring carnival ticket for every 5 box tops. The box top collection would start at the beginning of school and be recorded by student until the spring carnival and then tickets would be given out. I was thinking that this would be a way to allow everyone to participate at an affordable rate while still making money. Thougts

Asked by Anonymous



Community Advice

adryan110200 writes:
We are about the same at risk, probably around 85%.... We do rewards to get those box tops rolling. Last year we collected over $550 in boxes tops last half of the year and we just started.. We do the sheets and theme it to each month. We send them home in thier friday folders. We also do prizes. A raffle type ticket is given to each student who turns in a collection sheet. They get to pick thier prize. We do $20 gift cards to various places. We also have a turn in 25 sheets and get entered to win an IPOD shuffle. Second half of the year we do a pizza party for the class that returns the most... the kids love this the best! This works great with the older kids but we have a hard time getting new and kinder parents to get really hyped up

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