At our school, we are hosting "Gravy for Grandparents". We are inviting Grandparents to come in and have biscuits and gravy (we also will have jellies and butter, syrup and honey) and coffee and juice - with their students that are at the school of course!
I was recently given a opy of an invitation to "Golden Guest Day"
Some children do not have grandparents and it can cause them anxiety so I thought that was a wonderful name for the day. You could form your day around golden opportunities and the golden rule ect. for a theme.
We start off with a continetal breakfast for the grandparents, the school band or choir sings a few songs for them, they attend chapel with their grandchild, visit classrooms and we dismiss at 1130 so the grandparents can take them to lunch and spend some time with them. we also hold a basket auction during this time and raise 1400.00 usally. this year we also had a book fair going on that was also very profitable.
Our school also celebrates Grandparent's Day with a special lunch. Grandparents are invited to bring their own lunch and eat with their grandchildren during their lunch time. We do move this day to the spring just to make sure the weather is a little nicer. Typically we have parent volunteers on hand to valet park their cars for them. I'm not sure who enjoys the day more - the Grandparents, kids, parents or staff!