Originally posted by Jabeen27: Hi! I have searched and searched the web for an Open House Sample Parent Bag. At a school my daughter went to in Dallas, they gave out free bags full of goodies for the parents. It included things like soap, tissue, toothbrushes, toothpaste, coupons, and even a ziplock bag with the BoxTops4Education logo on it. Does anyone know where I can get this? I have asked the school but they seem to have forgotten...
I just checked the Box Tops website. The collection bags are $3.00 for 50 bags. Seems a bit pricey but they are available through your Box Tops coordinator. In the past we have purchased ziploc bags from a warehouse club and put in a little Box Tops poem. A bit more work but much less expensive.
That sounds great...count me in on any info you receive. I will do a little research myself and let you know if I hear anything good. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Have you found out about the free sample bags yet? Please send me some information if you found out and when you have some free time. Thanks. I wrote to Lever 2000, Dove and a few other companies for samples for our skin care clinic. Haven't heard anything yet. Good-Luck this year. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.