We give our teachers each a Wal-Mart gift card at the begining of each school year. (Wal-Mart is the only close store for everyone.) This year they were $40 each. We had a hard time deciding who to include, but followed a suggestion from the ofice. Any teacher who is an accredited teacher receives one (we have 34). And give the other's a hand signed card.. (however, this year I didn't get that accomplished and feel terrible about it!) We do the same at Christmas and during teaher appreciation week we provide small gifts for all staff (57) all five days and have lunch catered for them.
One year we gave every student, teacher & supporting staff a school shirt for Christmas. (We have 350 students Pre-K thru 5th) Obviously that's not something we can do every year, but it went over GREAT!!! I heard 5th grade students say that this was their first school shirt... most teachers gladly gave up their gift card to see their students so happy. We designed a special shirt for that Christmas, with a small logo & town name embroideried on each. Next time I would reccommend screen printing (cuts the cost down alot!) and mabey getting sizes from parents. (We checked every childs shirt size one day as they came thru the bookfair.) Otherwise, that was probably our proudest moment as a PTO!
Holy Cow!!! Not sure how I got off on that kick... Sorry guys!!!
I managed to find nice candles on clearance for .30 each. Was going to make up goodie bags with the candle, pack of sugar-free gum and....... I can't think of anything else.
And what do you do for the male teachers? These items are coming out of my pocket so it can't be anything terribly expensive. Also, where do you stop at teachers - do you include the gym teacher, art teacher, social worker, speech, literacy coach, etc?
We give each teacher $100 to go toward the classroom. But as the PTS president, I'd like to do something special from me. I like the idea of the desk calendar. I've seen it at the $$ store. Thanks for the ideas!
At our school teachers usually get about $50.00 to purchase what they would like to use in their classroom. They are also given bullentin board paper-what ever colors they need. Lunch is prepared for them at least once during the preparation week.