We don't call ours a "prom", but we do have our 8th grade dance. We usually theme it like you would see at a prom, but much more low key. Two years ago it was a night in the park theme. We used twinkly lights and lots of flowers and greenery to decorate. This year it was Hollywood Nights. Our art teacher made life sized Emmy awards and a huge scene marker for decorations and for the picture area. We also had two smaller Emmys that the kids held in their pictures if they wanted. A letter was sent home at the beginning of the year asking any parent that wanted to be on the committee for the dance to come to the first meeting in October. The teachers were also asked to volunteer on the committee.
We usually have finger foods catered in as well - very simple like fruit, cheeses, finger sandwiches, chicken strips/nuggets. Nothing too messy or the girls won't eat.
We live in St. Cloud, FL so our class trip is usually Disney/Epcot/MGM...one of the major parks around here.
We also usually have an 8th grade graduation ceremony during the day that all parents and family members are invited to (we let the siblings out of class for this event). The principal usually says something nice, awards are given out, and a certificate given to the kids.
For the yearbook, we really like Taylor Publishing. As the yearbook advisor for the high school for several years before changing to elementary, I have worked with 3 different companies and Taylor by far has been the easiest to work with. Taking on a yearbook can be fun, but it is a TON!!!!! of work. Not sure how it works in NY, but in FL we have to have permission from the parents before any pictures get printed in the yearbook. Makes it tough to take candid shots of kids around school when you have to keep checking your list to make sure everyone is allowed to be shown. One more thing about yearbooks, usually advertising keeps down the cost. If you want to sell ads to businesses, get started now. A lot of local businesses tend to get hit hard once school starts (you know how those PTO people are always wanting donations for something
) Also, most yearbook companies will want all pages submitted by late Jan./early Feb. to have the yearbooks delivered in May. If you do end up taking on the yearbook and have any questions, feel free to email me at
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