Our school is very small (420 students), We do not have a lot of money. We do a fundraiser that earns about $5000 annually. We do as much as we can. The money comes from fundraising, and everything we do is incorporated in the annual budget. The Biggest is working with our teachers making our teachers happy. If they are happy our children are happy
BUT we all know you can not make everyone happy.
We do not get the attendance that we would like to see at our monthly PTO meetings from parents or teachers. And we do not get the help from volunteers for activities so we come up with a method that tends to help(give & take approach).Our teachers are asked to submit a wish list. $200 is available to each teacher who submits a wish list. They must submit a reciept for all purchases- It is a reimbursement program so they can not spend more than they have.
They earn additional funding for their wish by helping with events and attending PTO meetings. We do cash/reimbursement incentives for the teachers to get them involved. Sad but True- Money seems to be a motivator.
-Each teacher has an opp. to earn $25 a month if a parent from their student/class attends a meeting. The parent signs in and indicates the teacher name so the teacher is put in a pool drawing. The more parents for that teacher the better the odds. (individual teacher can only be pulled 4 times a year; to make it a little more available to others).
-At the same meeting each teacher has an opp. to earn an additional $25 a month if they attend one meeting or one event a month. The Teacher signs in, and their name is put in a pool drawing.(individual teacher can only be pulled 4 times a year; to make it a little more available to others).
The students and staff also collect labels from products cambell's, box tops, ect). If there is something that might be on a teachers wish list we make it a goal to reach what they want from the catalogs provided by the manufacturer.
We do appreciation week for the teachers where we do little inexspensive things for them everyday through the week( apple, pen, $5 walmart card,) and at the end of the week the pto provides them with a luncheon which comes out of the budget also. It is not much but the feel appreciated.
As far as parent/teacher involvemet we've tried different approaches but there is always an excuse why they can not make it. My theory is they are afraid they may be asked to volunteer for something. The reimbursement incentives seem to work the best for those who use the program.
I registered here on ptotoday to seek help as you do, and so far I am liking what I see. Thank you!