We have two elementaries in our district and I mentioned having the faculties members from each school having an Academic contest. I got a quick thumbs down on that. I was going to get questions from our Academic Team coach. I still think it would be neat. Maybe parent vs. teachers.
We used to have a parent-teacher basektball games. That was...interesting to say the least.
Here are some questions/survey questions I've brainstormed for our "Faculty Feud" game. The ones with BR are for the bonus round. I figured we need about 10 for each grade level so no one will know exactly which set of questions/answers we will use. Some, of course, can be asked to more than one grade level.
Name a Hollywood star that you would like to meet.
Name the worst food you've ever tried.
BR---Name an Olympic sport.
Name a favorite P. E. game.
Which fast food restaurant has the best food?
What is your favorite thing to do during the summer?
BR---What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite holiday?
What chore do you least like to do at home?
Name something without wheels.
Name a superhero.
What is your favorite subject at school.
What is your favorite game to play at recess?
What flavor of ice cream do you like the least?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Who is your favorite sports figure?
BR--- Name something with wheels other than a car.