We call it "Back To School Night" and it is held in the MPR that Thursday the week school starts (we have a modified traditional school year and start the last week in July). Traditionaly the PTO sells some kind of dinner (last year pizza, year before hot dogs) and snow cones (BIG HIT!!). We also have a table in which we pass out our information packets, have people sign up for eScript, sell t-shirts, as well has have all of our board members there to socialize (basicly all the normal PTO stuff). There are also tables there for all the youth-related organizations in the area (ie: soccer, baseball, softball, 4H, Girl & Boy Scouts, Karate, etc...) as well as for our on site after school care program, food service (in which they sell tickets & provide info), School Rediness Center (CA 1st Five program for children 0-5), Homework planner sales (which is mandatory for 4th - 6th graders) and Scholastic Book Fair (which the librarian does). All this PLUS going to your child or childrens new classroom(s) to meet the teacher(s) and get the low down on what to expect over the next year. And we are supposed to do it ALL within an hour time frame ~ yeah RIGHT! Needless to say...... it is a CRAZY night. I feel like we miss out on making that "personal connection" with fellow parents because there is so much information there and they have to "hurry" to get it all. Plus... you all know.... most parents do what they can to avoid the PTO in fear that they will get roped into something.
So.... my proposal to administartion and fellow PTO members is this..... I would like to have a "Get to know you pot luck"* over the summer for those new kinder families, new student families, and maybe some old familiar faces that would just like to get together. I was thinking about having it in the evening so that those parents that work could attend as well. It would give parents a chance to meet the new PTO board, as well as give us a chance to THANK the exiting board and volunteers for all their hard work. We could have information on volunteering (from basic, simple things to heading a committee). Info on how to "stay in touch" via email (create a list in which those who want to be kept informed can put their email address on). A "suggestion box" that anyone can drop a note into with questions, comments, suggestions or compliments (that was COMPLIMENTS ~ not complaints
). As well as a little information on what the PTO goals are for the upcoming year (# of fundraisers to expect, fun things ~ like family nights & snow cone Thursdays, where we plan to spend the monies raised ~ explain the obligations we have in place already, as well as future things we would like to spend it on). And, last but not least..... PERSONALLY invite everyone to attend our meetings or somehow be involved with them. This would give us the opportunity to greet everyone and "welcome" them to the PTO in a more casual relaxed atmosphere. It would be an opportunity not only for parents and families of students to come but we could extend the invite to the local community as well.
As for food.... that's the key. It's a POTLUCK, so everyone that would like to attend would need to bring something to share (ie: a dish and a dessert?), the PTO can supply the paper products and refreshments. We could even have a "raffle" for a chance to win prizes. We have LOTS of things in our PTO closet that we can get rid of, and may even be able to get some of our local merchants to "donate" a little something.
My goal this year as new PTO Pres is to get more families involved with their children and the school, and not be so "ugh
" when it come to the PTO. Because we are all here for the same thing.... the children.
* "Get to know you pot luck" idea came from this site by ALMOST USED UP, and I ran with it.... THANK YOU