We've decided not to purchase individual gift items this year... we'll be buying our staff a new microwave for their lounge and a case of microwave popcorn to go with it! We also do a theme lunch. Last year, we took them to Hawaii... this year, Back to the Fifties.
Good luck with whatever you choose!
I wanted to do those academic planners for out teachers, staff, and PTO members for next year but it was shot down... by our superintendent and principal.
We did a little gift bag. We put in a small candle with a little rhyme about relaxation on it. We put in a coupon for a car wash and we put in a gift certificate for dinner. All things they can use but never do for themselves. Each item had a note attached. The car wash was so appreciated as well as dinner certificates. Another idea thatwe used is to do a luncheon outdoors for the teachers.We did it infront of the school where there were no students. We put table clothes on the tables with flowers. They all liked the change of scenery. Good Luck.
Last year we snuck home letters with all the students (the counceler helped). We had special themes for each day of the week. Like one day was flower day, sweets day, relaxation day, ect. The kids would bring in something for that day. The PTO would have something special for the teachers. We have a mom who does stampin up and she made some real cute things for them. (notebooks, mini chalk boards, bookmarks, ect) All the teachers loved it!! They looked forward to the next day to see what they would get. It was a lot of fun and we are planning on doing it again with some other themes. And best of all it was inexpensive!!!
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris