PTO did a Jinglel Bell Shop on Dec. 8th.
We got a local Dollar Tree store to sell us items for $1 normally the do not take merchandise back but the store agreed to take back what ever didn't sell.
We charged $2 for each item. We had holiday cookies for everyone and played Christmas music. Every child in the school go to shop for ONE item, if they wanted more they bought in $2 per item.
We selected the items from the Dollar Tree stock. Working with the manager on quanities of items. We choose 10 items or so.
Including Stainless steel Travel Mugs, Tommy boy/girl cologne for men another for woman, Flashlights, 500 piece boxes puzzles, 2005 Calendar with matching planner, 3-coloring book pack, double deck playing cards, that is all that comes to my mind,,,
we did check into funservices and found that items like those listed above would be about $6 or more... so we did feel like the kids got good quality merchandise for their $2.
Check out was a breeze as each item cost the same amount.
here is how we did it... student checks in, if they are shopping for 4 items they pay $8 and recieve four name tags. Student goes to a writing table and fills out the name tags, then they go to the shopping area and select the gift, stick on the name tag and go to the bagging area, where we put the items in a plastic bag and tied it shut! No peeking or playing with other people's gifts during school!
We used only STICKY back name tags. All items were pre-wrapped with only one item on display. There were about 5 different puzzles but only one was displayed and you didn't know which one you actually got as a gift. So if you are considering doing this yourself, note that on a varity of calendars and puzzles that are different in each lot that you'll either have to sort or label them or just pot-luck it as we did, or select something else to sell that is not different.
We thought we were running out at noon and went back to the store and picked up more mechandise... that went quickly and we went back around 2pm and got even more!!
We had done a pre-survey prior to the store, but we sold much more.
The great thing was we didn't have to inventory, we didn't loose any money, it was one day, and all gifts were valued at the same dollar amount - all receivers were valued at the same amount by the gift giversm, it was only a matter of what you wanted to give.
we had only one problem, one parent called as there were two sticky name tags on one package. Which meant they left the store minus one gift. It was a quick and simple fix.