This is a great idea! You should paid for all your ideas!!! But I have also had the same question this week about posters. A poster came with the NPN Notebook and I rushed to school to hang it up. Is there some company out there to purchuse parent involment posters from - surely someone makes these...
Thanks for the great ideas! Will present poster contest idea at next PTO - what a GREAT thought! i think it will work!!!!!!!!!! thank you! [img]smile.gif[/img]
Hold On! Wait! Ok, the ringing bells going off in my head are calming down a
HAVE A SCHOOL-WIDE POSTER CONTEST!!! Make sure that somewhere in the rules a parent or guardian has to help the child who submits it! The classroom that has the most returned entries (one per child) gets an ice cream party. The winning entry wins their classroom a pizza party. The winning entry gets made into a poster to be used in the foyer at each meeting. The winning entry wins the submitting family a (donated) night at the movies or bowling or some other family event. Oh! The possibilities are endless! They can submit an original cartoon, or drawing, or poem, or whatever! You could even do this as a Family Fun Night! Or better yet, run it during a "Family Fun Month"!!! That way every family gets a chance, not just the ones who can come at night... You could do smaller prizes (maybe just use the ice cream parties and donated fun night out, and do this monthly!