i just sent you a copy of the volunteer sign-up form we use. (this particular one we use for "spring recruiting." as we are a middle school, it also goes to our 3 feeder elementary schools.) also sent the summary of volunteer options... goes hand-in hand with the volunteer form.
if i am not too late i would also like a copy of the volunter forms. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi to all. Could I get samples of some of the volunteer cards also? I am in progress of making up one for our school - and right now it is all in my head. Examples would be such a help!
sent you the committee sign-up form (along with the committee descriptions) and a spring membership sign-up form.
our welcome back "packet" get mailed to all families a couple weeks before school starts. it usually includes a welcoming letter from the PTO president along with membership sign-up stuff and our tri-fold calendar. the principal also includes a welcoming letter and i think there was something about beginning of the year bus services, etc.... we usually include a flyer for our family fall barbeque because it comes so soon after school starts.