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Auctions & Other Events May Be Too Much

23 years 6 months ago #83765 by Norman
Replied by Norman on topic RE: Auctions & Other Events May Be Too Much
All of the school auctions I’ve conducted, the merchandise was donated in full. I would be hesitant to try to sell discounted items, especially if you paid for it up front, because you might not get your money back. My experience has generally been that silent auction items sell for 40-50% of face value, and live auction items is 60% plus for general merchandise. Items made by the classes sell well, but you can’t really predict what prices those type items will bring.

The best time of the year for a PTA auction is probably October-Early November, and March-April. You want to stay away from Thanksgiving & Christmas (discretionary money will go toward Christmas), and as well as the really cold bad weather or pretty & nice fall & spring seasons.

One method I’ve seen help motivate buyers to come is to have a high dollar raffle. One school I work with sold raffle tickets for $100 each (I don’t know how many tickets they sold), with the winner getting $10,000! Any tickets you sell over 100 is profit.

Norman O'Neal
President, Auctioneers Association of Maryland
23 years 6 months ago #83764 by volprez
Replied by volprez on topic RE: Auctions & Other Events May Be Too Much
Norman, Our school is probably going to do an auction this school year and I have a few questions.

When getting donations from businesses, do school's expect a totally free donation or a discounted item? If a discounted item, does the PTO pay upfront and get reimbursed later?

The problem in our community is getting the people out of their houses. What time of the year do you feel is best for an auction? And any ideas to motivate buyers to come would be great.

23 years 6 months ago #83763 by Norman
Replied by Norman on topic RE: Auctions & Other Events May Be Too Much
First of all, the more auction committee/volunteers you have the better. I have seen committees of as few as 5-6 which makes me imagine that their family time suffers during the planning/organizing period, to 15-20 or more. Keep in mind, the more auction committee members you have, gets more people to attend the auction, because they bid also.

I’ll give you a list of committees with my recommendations on how many for each:
Solicitation Committee (6-8+) – I recommend that you assign each one to a specific geographic area to cover to avoid more than one soliciting the same merchants. This group should have weekly or bi-weekly meetings to share what type of things they have received, as well as to share what worked well and what didn’t when they talked to the potential donors. These meetings will also make each of them recognize the need to "show results" at each meeting, i.e., if they don’t get any donations that week, it’s kind of embarrassing when the others have.
I certainly agree with also getting donations from the parents…some of the best items come from them, like vacation getaways, pool parties, etc. I don’t think you can ever have too many items for the auctions, unless you are limited in space, just keep in mind you want all the items displayed well, without piling things on top of each other. Remember, the more items you get, the more money you make.
Storage & Merchandise Pick Up Committee (2-3)—You are better off to take the merchandise at the time of meeting with the merchant if possible, because the merchant may have a change of heart later, and not go through with the donation. For larger items that may require a pick up truck, you may have to come back, but do it soon. Storing the merchandise - perhaps at the school if they have space, but you may have to use homes/garages of the committee members.
Catalog Committee (1-2) – This is an optional committee, but even if you don’t print a catalog (remember the paid advertising in the catalog can generate more revenue), you will need a "master" list of the merchandise for use in preparing the silent & live auction bid sheets.
Printing Committee (1-2) – printing of the silent & live auction bid sheets, advertising posters and flyers, receipt forms to the donors, thank you letters to the donors.
Entertainment Committee (2-3) – an optional committee, if you want to provide background music during the silent auction, or want the kids to have a part in the event. Take caution that the entertainment does not take too much of the time of the auction event, and make the event go too late into the evening.
Decorations Committee (2-3+) – an optional committee, this can add to the atmosphere of the event. Pick an overall theme, and even a suggested style of dress at the event.
Food & Beverage Committee (4-8+) – The choices of food and beverages can range from simple snacks and sodas to exotic and elaborate hors d’oeuvres, or even formal sit down dinners. Try to get local restaurants and caterers to show off their services and skills. You may have to consider a changing a fee to cover these expenses.
Publicity Committee (2-3) – Contacting the local media for publicity, auction flyers, newsletter articles.
Finance & Budget Committee (1-2) – Fiscal controls need to be established since you will be dealing with large sums of money at times. Keep good records and documentation on all donations and expenses.
Facility & Set Up Committee (6-8+) – Arranging for the facility to hold the event, setting up tables to display the auction items and food & beverages, chairs for seating at the live auction, registration and cashier & checkout areas.
Clean Up Committee (4-8) – After the auction is over, many volunteers will quietly leave, and you will need to leave the facility cleaned up.

This adds up to 31-50 total…perhaps that is a bit high, but the more people you have, the more the work gets spread out. Hope this helps…perhaps others can add to this list.

Norman O’Neal
President, Auctioneers Association of Maryland
23 years 6 months ago #83762 by MightyJo
Replied by MightyJo on topic RE: Auctions & Other Events May Be Too Much
Regarding auctions & other events held simultaneously... As I look at Norman's list of things to consider, I realize that we have kept those things in mind without even realizing it. It's a great list!! The only thing I can think to add is: if any of the activities require teacher or class participation (i.e. theme baskets for an auction donated by each class, classes making posters for activities, etc...), will the teachers be willing to assist?

At our school, we've had good success combining our annual school fair and auction. Our fair has many activities (games, crafts, bingo, food, & prizes.) We usually have something for entertainment (clown, gymnastics group, etc...) too. We've had them both indoors & out so the games vary on the location (no dunking booth indoors, but the moon bounce works both in & out). Our auction is a"Chinese Auction" (like a silent auction, except it's really a raffle). Not every family has participated in the auction, but most have & they absolutely LOVE it!! We definitely want a family event & we have never considered it a fundraiser.

Our fair this year required 170 volunteer hours during the fair itself. The Chinese Auction requires many more volunteer hours in advance of the fair than it does the day of the fair (between soliciting & collecting donations, maintaining the data base to print lists & signs, etc.., & distribution of prizes afterwards). Our school is K-5 & this year we utilized lots of middle & high school kids as volunteers for games & crafts (as well as 5th graders). We tried to assign them to FUN things (not selling tickets). We try to use our homeroom parents to get most of the volunteers & others made some phone calls too. Somehow it all worked out & I know we could never eliminate our auction! (Many of the people who come no longer even have kids at our school.) We've found that the biggest trick is to find a time of year where we don't conflict with too many sports.

Mykidsmom, as far as committee size, I have found that it helps to have at least 6 people to help with soliciting & picking up donations. And more wouldn't hurt. We have some send letters & follow up with them (chain stores, restaurants, etc...) & others who approach local businesses. Even with 6, it was very time consuming. Personally, I think it's nice to mix expensive & inexpensive items, especially with an auction. That way you can still get something without spending too much money. I'm curious to see Norman's opinion.

Take Care,

23 years 6 months ago #83761 by mykidsmom
Hi Norman,
I have a question for you, how many people would be good size committee for this? Also should one stick with nice donated items or can one mix items parents bring with nice donated items?
My thought is to have an silent auction with items donated from the parents of the drama club (we are helping them raise money)and obtain items through local donations. I have seen you mention a catalog and our school district print shop didn't see a problem printing that for little to no charge.
Does this sound like a plan or a disaster?
23 years 7 months ago #83760 by chrystal
Replied by chrystal on topic RE: Auctions & Other Events May Be Too Much
I totally agree...We have never had an auction, but I have been to them at other schools. We do however have a huge carnival every year that takes at least 120 volunteers on the actual night it takes place. If I were to even suggest to our over worked volunteers< "Hey, how about throwing an auction on the night of carnival!" I'd be tarred and feathered!! I think it would be wise to focus on one major activity. With the carnival it is solely for the kids...with an auction it is for the parents. The auctions I have been to kids were not invited. I seriously doubt if I could get enough volunteers to PROPERLY organize and auction during our carnival...I'm in awe of the PTO's that can pull of both events at the same time successfully!!
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