Our PTO is called a School Foundation, we do all of the things that a PTO/PTA does but for some reason, all of the schools in our area have a "foundation" and not a PTO/PTA. It is really confusing to parents since they aren't used to hearing those words associated with our type of organization {we are a new (less than 10 yr old) community with 3 k-8 schools currently, a 4th and a high school currently being built}
Can we use the words PTO instead of school foundation or do we have to file a fictitious business name statement? (we are in California and are a corporation).
I started a P.T.O at Claremont Academy in Apirl of 2010 and then decided to call it a Parent-Advisory- Committee, because it sound more fitting for middle and high school. You also call it Parent- Advisory- borad the name alone bring parents in to the school.