It takes an enormous leap of faith to expect the people who caused our problems to solve our problems. author unknown
sounds like cc's advice to go up a level, is a sound one here, sounds like not much future in hashing it out amongst yourselves...sometimes you gotta get a third party involved, a more neutral facilitator type, and sit down at a meeting together and work things out diplomatically. otherwise, the bad blood just wont go away but get worse. nothing wrong about asking for mediation or a little help from admin, ie principal or super, in fact, it would show you have strength of character to do such a thing.
being in a parent volunteer organization and needing to resolve differences is sometimes hard cuz no one knows who has ultimate responsibilty/say/accountablity and people feel empowered to do any thing they pls cuz they know there is no repercussion to acting less than stellar. doenst make it OK to bend the rules, but thats what CAN happen when you dont 'report' in to anyone or collect a paycheck. volunteers have to operate on their own personal code of ethics and morals and those vary as much as no 2 kids are alike.
OK, now it's clear why she has issues with the recording secretary. I'm assuming that she wants to behave any way she feels like and the secretary's job is to make it look good on paper. Would she also expect the treasurer to present false reports? You know, creative accounting?
This woman is TROUBLE.
I am not normally one to suggest tattling because I think a team becomes stronger if they can work issues out together. But this is beyond personality conflicts and not playing nice. I suggest you have a talk with the school's principal. There are potentially big problems and, as ever, it's the children who will ulitmately suffer for it.
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
~ Peter F. Drucker
Thanks for replying. My Pres has checked our by-laws and Robert Rules and feels she can minipulate the stituation. ing is even if she can it's not the right thing to do.
Won't your general membership have to vote to approve minutes at a regular meeting?
I agree-check your bylaws. In most cases an officer needs to be given due proccess. Robert's Rules defines this. Not sure of the exact #, but I think it is in the 70's.
What? So anytime your president wants the mintues can be rigged to say only what she wants, whoa! That itself is a huge issue for me, part of any effective parent group is the ability to communicate with the school body and families. I can't begin to imagine to basically lie to all of them so that things don't get heated!
What if something comes up and that part has been erased from history...minutes can be very important when the time comes.
"When you stop learning you stop growing."