Marion-- if youre still out there,,,,,! since volunteers are NOT STAFF , its probably next to impossible to get them to garentee they wont blab what they learn. the best you can do is not let them do things in which they would learn of confidences ie: not file the head office's paperwork,,and stuff lke that! you cant hold a volunteer to a code of ethics, unless they are stafff, that would be my guess. so it just depends on common sense, courtesy, of your volunteer community, and the atmosphere the principal creates, and trust she fosters among its parent community. its a gray gray area, volunteers and confidences......very uneforceable unfortuntaly. what IS more enforceable, is asking teachers to not divulge confidences to other parents,,,,,,THAT should never happen, in a perfect world. what if parents volunteers are also part time staff or subsitute teachers?? how do youswitch hats and remember which one you are wearing??